To whom it may concern: My name is Daniel Eng. I was baptized in 1976 in Malaysia and was a member of the church of Christ (mainline) in Klang, Malaysia. In 1982 I began serving as a full-time minister with that congregation until November 1984 when I joined the then Central London Church of Christ (Boston Movement). I was invited by their leadership to train as an intern and was subsequently discipled by James Lloyd, one of their two evangelists in London, England. In October 1987 I was sent off to Singapore to plant their new mission work and the Singapore Central Christian Church officially began in February 1988. I was appointed an evangelist in the Boston Garden in September 1989 at the last Boston World Missions Seminar. When this Singapore church grew to about 400 members, I was sent off again to start another new planting. I started the Central Jakarta Church of Christ in Indonesia in February 1990 and stayed their till March 1991. After Jakarta, I was asked to move to Bombay, India to help the church there. I moved there in April 1991. Two months later I met with the Boston Movement leadership in London, England to discuss my concerns about certain authoritarian abuses. In June 1991 I made my decision to leave them. When I left the Boston Movement I was marked and ostracized. The experience left me very unhappy, very depressed, suicidal, disillusioned and very confused. At that point I began an intensive research on the Boston Movement and came across Dr Jerry Jones' books "What Does the Boston Movement Teach, Vols I and II". Reading those two books confirmed my doubts about the Boston Movement. As one of its former evangelists, I can testify that the questionable beliefs and practices were definitely present and adhered to. There has been talk of the Movement changing, but the sermons and attitudes of the top leadership remain the same. This is confirmed innumerable times as I continue to meet ex-members everywhere with testimonies of authoritarian abuses, etc., even til today. Below are the main reasons why I left the Boston Movement: 1. One-over-one discipling which they believe and practice, giving the "discipler" the authority to manipulate and control every aspect of the lives of the members including marriage, dating, sex, finances, school, career, future, friends, family, etc. 2. Unquestioned obedience and loyalty to human leaders in the Boston Movement where there is no room for disagreements, criticisms nor different opinions of any sort. To disagree or to differ with the leader or discipler is considered "prideful, arrogant, insubmissive, stubborn, independent, rebellious, disloyal and having a bad heart." 3. Concept of "disciple" (Matthew 28:19) which has resulted in numerous `rebaptisms' and created many man-made prerequisites for those who want to be baptized. 4. Congregational autonomy which has been rejected and replaced with a hierarchical authoritarian structure led by Kip McKean and the World Sector Leaders. 5. Monopoly of salvation, ie. that only the Boston Movement churches and their members are "true disciples/Christians". 6. Legalistic understanding of the Christian life which is opposed to a correct understanding of gospel and grace. 7. Mind-control methods being practiced to manipulate and control every member in their churches. 8. Widespread abuses and destruction of the lives of Christians both in the Movement and those who have left, resulting from the mind-control techniques used. (These methods are the same used by destructive cults like the Moonies, Children of God, etc.) There is something very wrong with a movement or church when its members walk out by the hundreds and thousands with total disillusionment in God, Christianity and the Bible, with their faith in God destroyed, and with similar stories of widespread authoritarian abuses and manipulation. The sight of seeing and meeting with these devastated Christians trying to return to reality and to put their lives together again should cause all of us to have very serious doubts of this Movement. I regret my role in propogating some of these abuses while I was in the Boston Movement. It is my prayer and hope that the leaders will open their eyes to see the thousands that they have directly and indirectly abused and manipulated. These thousands leave voluntarily and involutarily but always with feelings of disillusionment and depression, and their faith in God adversely affected. May God help them to recover from the pain of their ordeal in the Movement. Daniel Eng