This is Cronus the Wise, the four hundred and fifty first incarnation of the high priest of Atlantis. Who is this sniveling imposter, Frederick Lenz, this bogus Rama, who claims to have been a high priest in my empire. What makes this grotesque spiritual pigmy think that he can pertuate such foul lies. In all the history of Atlantis the only Frederick Lenz shown in the hall of records is the illiterate son of a family of degenerate night soil collectors. This foul creature was sentenced to death and condemned to a thousand incarnations as a shit scavenger for making lecherous suggestions to Taranza the sacred virgin temple guard. He was was hastened toward his new incarnation as a sewer rat by being drowned in the offal pit of the abattoir serving the Golden City. To claim enlightenment in the form of a Boddhisatva is a heinous distorition of the noble word we have passed on from Atlantis to the East. To even think such a thought would be more than enought to condemn such a person to endless incarantions in the Thirteenth level of hell in the form of a sewer worm suitable only for cleaning the sludge from septic tanks.